>>1834230>Is nature out to kill me?Only in Australia.
I have surfers ear from too much cold water kayaking.
Fucked shoulder from same. Have to drive left hand only.
Fucked hip from MX crashes. Can’t carry a wallet in back pocket, constantly sore.
Fucked thumb from fishing knife slip. Constantly tingly - nerve damage.
Fucked index finger from crush. Constantly sore. Won’t bend.
A rib that keeps popping like a knuckle from unknown cause, Dr suspects kayaking. Pops about 10x/day. Feels weird.
Recurring Achilles tendinitis from too much hiking/climbing/mountaineering. Crippling.
Numb big toes from frostbite. Constantly numb. Feels weird.
Caught malaria in tropics a few times, recurs every now n then.
Weak knee from MX also.
None of this keeps me /in/.
Harden the fuck up Princess.