>>1168936The reason I'm on this board is because my girlfriend forced me to go out camping with her a couple of times. She's taught me a lot of things, as I've grown up in the city while she grew up in a small town. I had never went /out/ before.
She's tiny and weak but she loves nature. She's good at starting fires, picking out locations, and knowing do's and don'ts. She also can do first aid really well. She knows sounds of different animals very well. This is all because she used to camp with her father. The first time she camped without her family, was with me. I did most of the rowing, carrying, and wood chopping.
Less women like going /out/ and camping because you need a man with you for their strength. Just like
>>1168992 said, women do love going /out/ but their bodies simply aren't strong enough so they need a man. Have you ever seen a girl try to chop wood? Its hilariously inefficient. Most western women have trouble keeping a man around for more than 1 month, and as a result they don't go camping as often.