I truly feel badly for any person who limits the number of paths available to themselves based on some previous decision.
--acknowledging the exceptions that exist when people truly *damage themselves* in terms of physical injury--
*Adaptation* is the mark of intellect. I was not limited to one episode of running a company and, in point of fact, it takes a person who understands risk and reward to successfully run any business. I was 25 when I attempted a hostile takeover of a legal notice publishing company. I had drive, intellect, but no *wisdom* or experience of a world larger than the boardroom. So the gaining of perspective is a journey and if you want your journey to be wide-ranging and impactful you must decouple from ordinary routes. You must take a normal expectation and create a situation where all expectations fail.
But, unless you want to be *injured* by your choices, you must act so that you preserve some semblance of stability for your future self. I did not say I drove away into the sunset of poverty and failure. I drove away on a journey of return that would once-again ensconce me in all the pleasures a good Capitalist can invent. Like, I kept my apartment when I left town to travel with a beautiful sex Goddess/predator girl.
Do not judge others. Only judge in the context of yourself. If you think that what I described is some "ultimate destination" that speaks more about your perspective of what the world has to offer than my perspective of what the world has offered me.
That said, Be happy.