>>2279578>saturday around 7pm>dad asks me to go pay the workers at the ranch>the place is 40min from my place behind a huge hill>get on my chinese dual sport , grab a lamp and a machete just in case>half way, sun is 80% gone>sudently with the bike light I catch a cat like animal>stop immediatly>take the lamp and aim at it>look like pic rel, which is kind of common in my city>take machete out and start hitting the bike>the cat run awats towards the hill>rev the bike and go to my ranch as fast as possible>do the same on the way back, never see it againMy father also had an encounter with a cat near the same place as I did, he flash the light of his truck and the thing started walking towards him, he started honking and the cat ran away, he has his 38 out just in case.
I miss that place so much.