>>2634520Yep, it was a surreal and amazing experience seeing it come over the horizon at 4am. At first all you see is the bridge lit up in emerald green, seemingly floating over the bay. I immediately knew I was finally home in familiar waters. Pic rel is all I was able to capture, looks like shit but you can see what I mean. The fuck huge white light was a fishing net boat that scared the shit out of me. I passed >200 yards astern of him and had no idea if his nets were out until I was already on his ass.
>>2634522Your mileage may vary, I started in lakes. So the worst case scenario is I would swim to shore in alligator Infested waters if i capsized and went turtle. I'd rather fight a giant gay lizard than freeze in Alaskan waters tho. Just be careful, start in 5-10 mph winds, and if you ever feel like something ain't right, abort. Sailing is superstitious. No bad vibes or bananas allowed on the boat