>>1474586>>1474585Just don't start it super early. Corn grows fast and it really does need goo root length stretching out for better anchoring and nutrient uptake. You can heat up the soil outside using black plastic laid down on everything. That will also allow you to start things earlier. Double that with a polytunnel over it and even more heat gets trapped. Start your seeds no more than 2 weeks before you plan to set them into the tunnel and things should be fine. You could probably plant up to a month earlier with such a system. I would setup the plastic and tunnel at least a week before using it. That way the ground can be better charged with solar energy. If you have raised beds inside the tunnel where you will plant then more energy can be sunk into the soil which will help during cold snaps. Add black-painted containers of water (soda bottles milk jugs, barrels, etc like in these pics) and it helps even more.
>>1474589The locals here start it in June. I start in May normally. I'm planning on making boarder-less raised beds, to keep out of the rain flooding, covering them with black plastic, and going fro there earlier than normal.