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Not pleased to report this but my brethren should know.
I found one of us hurt. Hurt bad. Real bad. Persecuted for what we believe and do.
I took a fresh corncob out to a spot I know in Arizona. There's a small creek there with some trout. Not sure if they're trout I never fished. But I see them swimming around. When I arrived I saw a green 1997 Honda Civic parked along the road side where I usually park. I knew I would not be alone that day but I did not know I would meet my own kind. My kind, OUR KIND BROS. And in terrible condition. Utterly victimized in a heinous way.
I made my decent into the low laying area where the beautiful creek is. I was ready to smoke. And I heard a masculine whimper. As I approached the creek it got louder. And then I saw it, one of us, laying naked, butt naked drinking sips of water from the creek. Dried blood and feces on his buttocks and a protruding log (actual wood log) sticking out of his anus. He was crying and upon seeing me begged for help. I used my collapsible drinking cup to pour water on his butt cheeks and whipe them clean then pulled the log from his anus. He asked if I got his pipe. I responded what pipe? He said his pipe and tobacco was shoved up his ass with the log. I said no, they must still be up there. He said he was dizzy from the tobacco absorbing inside his anus. I asked who did this bro?! Cody Lundin he cried. Why? He didn't know. He told me he was enjoying a blend in his walnut beauty when he was stroke by a bare foot in the face. He awoke naked to a man with braids who said he was the Lundin, Cody Lundin who then proceeded to manhandle him forcing both his pipe and tobacco up his anus followed by a log. Why tho I asked? He said Mr Lundin told him sucking on a dirty pipe was no way to survive and he's tired of pipe suckers playing stupid games in mother nature's land. I then helped him back to his Honda Civic, dark green, 1997, Obama sticker on the bumper. We never found his clothes.
Bros, I'm scared.