>>424957A couple years ago I had sleep paralysis for the first (and last) time and it was weird as fuck.
>fall asleep on a chair in den>wake up in the middle of the night, don't know what time>I can move for a split second, so I sit up a little bit and open up my mouth kind of wide>I have no idea why I opened my mouth, maybe I was yawning or something, I really don't know>suddenly I can't move at all>still halfway sitting up in chair, mouth still open>desperately trying to close my mouth but my jaw is locked open>can't close my eyes no matter how hard I try>can't relax my body from my semi-upright position either>in front of me on the wall, I start seeing visions, like if you had put a projector up and played a movie>it's like being in a dream, only I can see the room around me at the same time, and I'm completely conscious and aware of everything>in the visions the sky turns orange/red and I watch a plane fly over my head and then crash in a nearby valley and explode>another plane went over and crashed/exploded in the same spot. Possibly a third one but if it did, it didn't explode>visions end but I'm still paralyzed>pushing as hard as I can to move but still can't>see a lot of black space and white light>eventually I just pass out while trying to moveFortunately I'd heard of sleep paralysis before this happened so I wasn't too scared while it was going on, but it still weirded me out. I still haven't heard of an experience quite like mine, though. Anyone?