>>2517101OP here. I'm in process of buying some gold jewelry as I've stated in first post
After checking prices I must say you can't be more wrong here
>they just horde unusable barsI've compared the prices, new investment gold bars are literally 4 times cheaper than new wedding rings (you need to take into account gold purity, 99,99% and 58,5%). I will still buy some second hand scratched gold jewelry which goes not much over the price of scrap gold. Cerified invenstment gold bars are still the best "buy here, sell here" investment. Jewelry is easier to transport (avoid that tax duty), easier to sell (at any jeweler in the world really). So I'll have some cash, some currency, some invested into consumables, some certified gold bars, some gold jewelry. Last two years showed me can't really lose diversifying like that. I just had too much cash with that inflation rate