Quoted By:
>be experienced Eagle scout
>be so based that I get asked to help watch one of the council's campgrounds for a week while the groundmaster guy is out
>dis gon' be good
>have the run of the camp
>only me and five other scout bros and two troop leaders
>another scoutbro and I decide to set up a trotline in the lake to try to catch fish
>set it and forget it, yo!
>later, other scout bros go canoeing
>one scout bro sees something shiny in the water
>"Ooo, shiny, must grab."
>he reaches into the water, gets a handful of hook
>is snagged so good he is ripped wholly from the canoe
>panic ensues
>can't get back in the boat 'cause he's still hooked
>scouts manage to cut line because my troop wasn't fags and carried knives
>haul the guy in, row to shore, and drive him many miles to hospital
>scoutbros report back that night, say he'll be fine
>docs said the hook missed a blood vessel in the hand by fractions, and if that would have been severed he may have died
The guy quit the scout soon after that. I never saw him again, but I heard he ended up working (ironically) at a fish market down the street from where I worked, and one night when he was the only one left at the place, a guy came in and robbed the store, and then locked him in the walk-in freezer.
Some people have all the luck.