>>1880980Wild grapes have one or several pear-shaped seeds inside. Moonseed and related plants have round or flat seeds shaped like a crescent roll or the crescent moon. Most, but not all, of the poisonous look-alikes lack tendrils. Most, but not all, poisonous look-alikes taste bad. Some will leave an itchy, tingling or numb sensation on your tongue after you spit them out, others taste fine and have no noticeable toxic effects when tasted and spat out. All of them are poisonous.
I have mustang grapes growing wild on my property, they make teeny-tiny little grapes. Some are very sweet and delicious, others are very tart. They all have tendrils and pear-shaped seeds.
Anything that lacks tendrils or has flattened or rounded seeds shaped like crescents, discs, or donuts is death. Don't fuck with them.
If you think you've found an edible wild plant, ALWAYS identify it as thoroughly as possible, then do a search for toxic look-alikes. Invest in a book on edible wild plants in your state, they're well worth the money and most include ways to tell them apart from poisonous lookalikes. I can't tell you how many people I've talked to online who've nearly killed themselves because they didn't know what they were harvesting.
>oh hey, wild carrots!>no, that's poison hemlock, guaranteed death>wild onions!>no, it's death camas; guess why it's called death camas>wild onions!>no, that's rain lilly/Indian crow poison; it probably won't kill you, but you don't want to risk it>maypops/passion fruit!>no, poisonous lookalike that will you sick beyond belief>is this edible?>anything is edible once