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i only fish in murky dark as fuck waters and mainly fish with white trick worms and white grubs.
i've never had great luck with darker lures though that's 95% of what i find in stores.
yes i have caught bass on black trick worms so i know it's possible, but can /out/ give the the truth about lure color and whether or not it's just a myth or if it's really important?
i mean, real worms and crickets are hardly bright, but they have scent and move around as well.
i'd like some dispelling as to fishing line being visible as well. i mainly fish cheap mono 12/15/20 lb as i err on cutting it off when i feel it's been abused enough for fresh line and keep my shit in the shade so it doesn't degrade. for the sub 10 pound fish i normally catch this is a non issue with line breaking.