>>1280895It is a play on the "Gentlemen" meme from eons ago. It started on /ck/ along with Breadmen and Homebrewmen. Breadmen didn't last very long. Homebrewmen lasted a couple years or so and moved to /diy/.
>old pics for those threads>>1280842Typical isopod and gastropod damage. They come out at night or when it is raining. They won't really bother your zucchini much if at all. I think I even see some gastropod crap on the radish leaves.
>>1280861I'm in the USA, the lights are super energy efficient and cost like $25 each. I've been using them for a few years now and I've not had any trouble. They are better than the old fluorescent grow lights I was using before. In fact they cut the energy costs down to almost nothing in comparison.
>>1280871I'd need to build the housing myself and use smaller, lower power LEDs for my setup. All that cost, time, and effort is better spent on a form factor and system that's ready made for my needs.
>>1280953Strawberries are super easy. Just plant them, fertilize them once a year, keep them watered in early spring when they start flowering and while fruiting. They are really mostly plant and forget type of crop, but they do need weeded from time to time. They will be better in containers where the fruit can hang over the sides, but that will be more maintenance with watering and such. The propagate like crazy via runners and you can simply put the running into a pot, let it root, cut it from the main plant and put it where you want. Or, just let them take over a field.
>>1280992Are they the same cultivar? Did you sow them in ground or transplant them? Is time you planted last time and now the same? If yes to that question, has the weather been the same as last season? The list of variables goes on.