>>1261785Aaaargh fuckit, copy paste
Don't have much idea if this should be posted in /sci/, /diy/ or /out/ so let's just start over here.
The idea is that I want to extract xylem sap from a ficus carica tree(fig tree), and well the simplest and most easy method I have found is:
http://www.ficain.com/Which is just "make an incision an collect" which I did, made a vertical incision, but the ammount of sap extracted was negligible, tried doing a X several times and simple horizontal cuts near the leaves, but the result was the same, a small ammount of sap came out and then quickly stops. Also tried sticking an improvised spigot(with some plastic tubing I had around) but the end result was the same.
From my point of view, seems logical, that if I colapse the xylem, it quickly cavitates and the only thing I'm collecting is residual sap between tracheids before the flow jumps to the nearest conducts that are still pressured.
But a scientific paper I read claims to have used up to 20grams of dried xylem sap, so there must be a way to extract that much ammount, and since I only have one tree I would rather try next time with a more effective method.
So, what could have I done wrong? Or that is not the method?