>>300711>>says "uh" deliberatelyWhat?
>>unsubtly sarcasticOh no
>>assumes that if you don't like shitty music that appeals most commonly to Angst ridden, hair dying, twin peaks watching, Jack Kerouac and Kurt Vonnegut reading, spechul snowflake bitches that you want to live in a cave in the woodsWhen did this happen? Also after reading the last line of your post the irony is fucking hilarious.
>>assumes that if you don't like shitty hipster band that can't even evoke emotions to begin with, that you are emotionally repressedNMH can't evoke emotions? Don't think you've listened to it.
>>assumes someone who would want to live in the woods as a troglodyte isn't the opposite of repressedAgain, where are you getting this from?
>>wouldn't want to live in the woods and is clearly domesticated through privilege, and boredom from comfortI have no idea what you are talking about.
>>thinks that anybody who knows neutral meme hotel would use the word ladyboy seriously (what I mean is no youth would use that word seriously)See above.
>>makes the title of a song into an acronym*Album, and it's commonly known as that.
>>says charist instead of christ and puts in about 20 more i's than was needed/mu/ joke that went over your head
>The way you talk online makes you sound like a legit asshole