>>1187045>research intern at a hospital in the UK>career is up in the air at the moment>£15,404 aka fucking nothing (underemployed by about £7,000 for my degree)>22Not happy at all, very depressed after leaving uni. Manchester is a fucking horrendous city, my job is soul-crushing and pays shit and my fiancee and I separated over this last Christmas break.
The only hope I have is being accepted onto a masters and then eventually a PhD so I can get into research in the field I want to (P2X receptor modulation looking for treatments for neuropathic pain - it was my final year project in uni and I have personal motivation to continue as my mother was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I want to help).
I ended up with my shit job because I simply needed money and this was the first place to offer me a job (after about three hundred applications to various positions). I have been in the job for six months now and been sending out about 3/4 applications a week to other things but so far haven't even got a reply back.
I am very unhappy and currently taking anti-depressants and going to see a counselor soon because my life is crumbling around me and I feel like I'm slowly dying. Would love nothing more than getting into research and hiking on the weekends.