cant wait to leave these on the bottom of the river. i call them wing-it clousers because they're a clouser tied with only the wing, and "wing it" tends to imply shortcuts which this fly also has. they keel great and seem to fish just as well as normal clousers in my experience, but with less consumed materials and time.
>>2755641>>2755640those will work, they're great for a dry dropper rig
>>2755645>>2755646im not sure i like the look of those personally but they should float great.
>>2755796buy something name brand
>>2755814big fish arent great to keep, they're the breeders and they have the most chance to pick up pollutants. barely legal to about 5 pounds is what id call "eating size" for most fish.
>>2755815>4 pound flouroyou're gonna lose a lot of lures. id do at least 8 on it, and if you're gonna be using stuff that light 10 pound braid might be worth to milk every bit of casting power out of it.
as for the rod and reel, i have no idea.