Bushcraft Black is a decent knife. $40 for is a decent deal. I prefer my Condor Kephart, which is like $8 cheaper, but I had to file the spine a bit, and I had to hone it a bit (boo hoo). I look at the Bushcraft Black (and my Kephart) as a blades to use along side an axe. Yes, you can baton with them, but they're more for smaller tasks. I don't think I'd recommend the bushcraft black really, as
>>466202 says the scandi grind is really only great for wood working. If I recommend a Mora, it would be the Mora Robust Pro that just came out. That thing is a tough son of a bitch. I need to torture it more, but so far in handles light batoning and other wood work well.
Either way, I don't like the style of them, but I recognize why people like them.