>>1906462>>1913267Yuropoor too (precisly czechanon)
i call it bullshit, it really depends form unit to unit. In here there are two types of scout, city slicker faggots, wich are more of a holiday school for kids and traditional ones.
I was lucky and got in the second one and i must say it was best time of my life as a kid. My unit really didnt mess around.
>be me (12)>first year as older scout at summer camp>mfw leaders told us that we are not going by train to camp>let's fucking backpack march 61km (38miles)>yeah and we wont be in our classic camp>after 3 days of walking we got to small meadow in woods>leaders: okay guys let's build the camp, or you'll be sleeping in pale of the moonlight>luckil we didnt had to build A frames or tepee>we had those army tents like in MASH>thatsprettycool.pngwhole camp we were taught survival skills, learning knots, air rifle shooting (you know yuropoor),backpack marching with cipher checkpoints, and cuting trees
last week we had 4 day inawoods game, basicaly Hunger games, but without killing. Instead of that you have to tear of oponents armbands, 3 people teams and food have to be found or secretly stolen from the camp.
>2nd day evning>we had set up camp next to small pine thicket>we were tired >found some food in woods>so fucking tired we didnt even want to eat>we sliped in our sleeping bags>sudenly we heard tree branches snaping>ohshit.png>oinkoink>a fucking boar was like 5 meters from us>what the fuck are we going to do?>we were stupid and afraid, so we fucking ran from it>fortunately the pig was scared too>we ran to the camp>time for mental breakdown>leaders: what the fuck happend >older kids tried to explain while i had my breakdown sitting on ground>idontwanttogoback>anon dont be a pussy and go back>30 minuts later we were back in the game>never been pussy sincethis happend like 10 years ago, i stay in our unit to this day, now as leader and it is still same.