Quoted By:
>get raise
>tax goes up
>pay loads of tax for MUH NHS, can't see a doctor, phone them: "you are currently number 45 in the que..."
>pay loads of council tax, potholes as deep as shell craters everywhere, police don't do shit accept harass drivers and fuck people over for victimless crimes while pakis from Bradford steal quads and hide them on the land I work on only for the farmers who owned them to be told 'can't be arsed' by the police
>energy goes up constantly
>literally don't heat the house except with wood I get for free
>diet consists mostly of roadkill, legumes and oats
>have cheapest shit car possible
>can't afford shit, couldn't even afford to date if I could attract a female
>give up all hobbies that cost money, just hike now
>this will only get worse as the years go on
We're going to see some real shit in the future.