>>882943...also the exotic fruit seedlings (fig, pomegranate) did very well too in spite of the cool rainy German climate, pic related fig seedling has grown over a metre tall since spring, at that rate I'm almost certain it'll carry fruit for next year's second (autumn) harvest, might even develop some fruit for the first (early summer) harvest - I guess those exotic trees aren't getting attacked simply because their natural predators haven't arrived here yet/don't survive our winters
When it comes to ornamentals, only Buxus sempervirens has been heavily bombarded by Cydalima perspectalis since this year here... since insecticides for that big hedge I have are kinda expensive (€20 for a bottle that lasts me 3 applications which have to be done once every three weeks in the growing period), if the issue doesn't get better next year, I might have to cut the very old (30+ years) hedge down unfortunately and replace it with something sturdier (eyeing with Cupressus sempervirens)