>>954143I understand but sitting on a flats boat drinking Mikes hard lemonade in 100 dollar keen sandals having some poor guide chase tarpon and tailing permit for you is not a sport lol. It's just you having fun and not working for it.
But yeah most "minnow" or bait fish mimic flies work the same as a two colored buck tail fly.
>>954150Meme lure and has garbage hook placement use any other lure that fills the role. You will catch more fish. If you want to use it for fun sure. If you're really lucky a large musky or pike will eat it.
>>9541691. Fly fishermen
2. Bass fishermen
3. Saltwater fishermen
4. Freshwater fishermen
From most to least arrogant. Most being number 1. Bass people are pretty annoying especially when they have an 80 thousand dollar bass boat and think they own the water and screech autistically if you come near their spot. Fly fishermen are still worse because at least the bass guy won't talk shit to you for throwing a hard bait lure and give some spiel about the art and grace and sportsmanship about casting flies while sniffing his own farts.