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>try fishing at new pond
>wade in and immediately get surrounded by tiny bluegills
>cast some worms as an appetizer until I get a good size bluegill
>first time fishing locally in a rocky-bottomed pond
>maybe there's crappie in here too
>cast with random crappie jig I had in the box
>get a nibble, try again and get another nibble
>cool, I'm excited this seems to be working!
>get a solid bite and reel it in
>bobber zooms around under water
>finally land a 10" largemouth bass
>ok, pretty cool, let's try some more!
>proceed to hook five bass with the crappie jig before one fights hard enough to break the leader and escape with the hook
>damn, that lure was working so we'll too... hope he's ok
Guess if tomorrow is rain I'll go to BassPro for a new crappie/bass jig lol