>>1747651Thank you for that instructional video. I was getting sick my first two attempts at smoking my pipe. Im quitting weed after 12 years of daily smoking and on day 3. Quitting drinking too because it makes me want to blaze. I can save 400 dollars a month on quitting my current habits if I quit plus my new raise I'll be making $600 more a month not smoking or drinking . I didn't mind black n milds but I didn't want to smoke those so I decided to try pipe. Pretty kino not gonna lie. Way cleaner feeling, dirt cheap and legal. I already feel way better all day and in the morning. Im glad I found /out/ I'm fucking done with the bullshit of /pol/. I'm /fit/ af I just needed to take shit more seriously in life. Running in the park during this Corona shit has just led me to appreciate nature and is leading to want to do more gardening, hunting and outdoor activities instead of getting fucked up for no reason. Thanks /out/. /end life blog
Pic related. Bought this in Tampa today at a fancy ass cigar bar.