>>978729I'm from a small village.
Traditional villages worked because:
1) A lot of people were inter related.
2) People grew up with one another and knew each other as kids. The friends you make as kids are not the ones you would choose but you accept them as they are. Even if they're cunts.
3) Their Parents and Grandparents grew up with one another and were friends.
4) Tradition decides "what to do". No we don't plant corn by the river, end of discussion.
5) This is my land, it was my Fathers land and my Grandfathers land and my great Grandfathers land. It is not your land. End of discussion.
6) You have limited options to leave so better go along to get along.
7) Since you're all stuck here together and know everything about each other, better not abuse the common grazing.
8) You know who's smart, you know who's dumb, you know who's strong, you know who's skilled in weaving, you know who should lead, you know who should do what.