>>862113Ooh, forgot I had this one
Inner shaft of a privately-owned (afaik) radio dish array in scenic [UNDISCLOSED]. Used to be AT&T judging by marking. Definitely still "inhabited," likely a bug-out location for some semilocal millionaire or former (read: deposed) dictator of a tiny banana republic somewhere. I'm convinced the CIA shovels all their high-maintenance/profile clientele to the area (if I'm right, Langley, you guys really should hire me).
>might be a relief station for volunteer firefighters :( but I'm going to stay in denial, because there are a few problems with that and my ideas are way coolerRefrained from pictures of inhabited areas for privacy's (or litigation paranoia's) sake, but compound was complete with:
>(nearly) 360-degree video surveillance>full razor-wire fence>~10 lbs spent 5.56 brass in .mil issue cans>a full workshop complete with lathe, band-saw, etc.>4+ full external water tanks, easily 10k gallons apiece>multiple locked garages, but a fully-functioning (or at least looks to be) John Deere outside>a dozen bunks, all beautifully made (good job lads, nobody knows how to hospital-tuck anymore)>brand new kitchen with all the amenities>squeaky clean bathrooms>shitloads of broken tech>bunch of NASA posters (!/?)>technical specs for the facility + various (all well-kept) files>BONUS: really great local vineyard a few miles off...who can say "POST-APOCALYPTIC RAIDING PARTIES"? Or at least extortion for "protection," if they're boringDidn't see a generator, but was likely just in a locked section of the place. All in all, fantastic trip.