>>1566177see thats what I just dont understand. In order to even get shots like those point and shoot ones on my DSLR, I have to crank up the aperture and exposure time. which the city over the lake shot looks very long exposure, but the aperture must be quite closed to have the detail near and far.
The moon over the ake bothers me greatly because that's maybe 1" exposure max going by the star, and to even get that level of light I have to use 10" or more.
That canon is cheap as chips, I'll have to try out my shitty nokias I have in the post though, and if they both suck I'll consider one. I kind of like the idea of leaving my phones behind and carrying just those as my emergency contact as well. They also have a larger sensor, like 3x larger, but lack a nice large lens. The pictures I've found online look quite good though