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Nut butter mix and honey master race reporting in.
>Nut Butter mix:
Multi-nut and seed butter combined with organic coconut oil at a 4:1 ratio. Delicious.
Porridge with Nut Butter mix and honey mixed through.
Protip; if you are in a hot climate or want a quick start in the morning make your porridge with extra water the night before after you cook dinner. Reduces the amount of wood to collect, you breaky is ready to go when you wake up and cold porridge is surprisingly tasty, especially when its hot.
Nut butter mix and honey on wraps. Wraps have come along way in the last few years and they are great for hiking. There are numerous healthy flavours and style available and they last forever. They are also slim and you can fit loads easily in the back of your pack. I always take an extra pack just incase.
Dehydrated peas/corn/broccoli, tinned tuna/salmon/sardines, rice on wraps. Nut butter mix and honey wrap for desert because you deserve it.
Easy. Cheap. Nutritious. Lightweight.