>>1532152Oh, definitely, but our sluts are more organic and wholesome.
I had to leave my hillbilly haven and drive into the city to take family to the airport, again. Anyone who willingly subjects themselves to that kind of traffic on anything higher than a "pretty rare" basis, should be gassed. On the way, several negroasties were dangers to everyone, and on the way back, an older, yet not "old" neegra lady almost got me killed on an insane ATL interstate by suddenly slowing from maybe 75 to 35, in front of the car in front of me, which caused 3 cars to nearly slam me from behind. By that, I do not mean there were three cars that had to stop. One car just behind me barely missed while passing, then the next two did exactly the same in succession. I mean it was really really barely missed at high speed.
I, of course, being taught well by my father, had been maintaining safe distance behind the cars in front of me, which the city faggots use to weave in and out of everything, so I had adequate reaction time and space and was not myself a contributor to the cluster of retardation.
Anyway, fuck cities, and city people, fuck them all up their stupid asses.