Quoted By:
>working as canoe guide in canada
>come upon site of old native battle
>as a coming-of-age ceremony, young braves would sprint up large rocky hill and shout as load as they could
>blueberry bushes all over at top
>as a fun excursion, have group sprint up hill to find blueberries
>blueberries not in bloom yet
>2 of group wander off ~100yds into the brush, find a shitload of cairns
>remember what missing411 says about rock piles
>in meantime a motorboat has pulled up in water nearby, observing us
>get intense feeling we should leave
>pull group back and and continue on our way
>motorboat speeds off
Nothing happened. The whole time felt like pic related. Really weird, terrible feeling even before boat pulled up. We went and saw some pictographs later that day, made sure group didn't take pictures.