>>2712265>>research pruning trees, planting trees, etc>>internet is filled with a bunch of contradictory info>how the hell am I supposed to decide with philosophy I believe?1) There is a limited number of things that you must abide. Those most important are probably already obvious to you.
2) There's no single ultimate way of handling trees. That's why you find so divergent info.
For instance, you can grow fruit trees intensively - keep them short, plant them close, fertilize intensively, replace trees after a dozen of years.
But you can grow fruit trees the old way, which is in a reasonable distance between trees, letting them grow much taller, fertilize them less, and let them fruit for half a century.
Those two ways are quite contradictory, but they lead to roughly the same yield per area. The intensive one lets you react more flexibly to changing market demands, and pays itself off quicker, hence it got so popular today.
Now, it's up to you how to grow your trees.
>>2712511As far as I looked for an explanation once I got some apple seeds sprout three cotyledons, this just sometimes happens to any plant. For apples, all growth later on was just normal. For winter savory that did the same to me, several levels of leaves were tripled, and then suddenly boom! and all above that had normally two opposite leaves on each level.