>>309661Get to camp, no one has signed book, no tracks that aren't mine. Feel relief. Risk 3 lumens of light outside tent, 95 in tent. Wish that I could use full 3500 lumen of small sun to stun and observe nocturnal wildlife. Eat. Brush teeth. Make bed. Sleep.
Evening shift:
Wake up 8-9:30am. Get dressed. Curse weather etc all same up to arrive in town. Go gym, library first. Work. Finish at midnight. Go home, sometimes grab and eat whole 14" Appache pizza on the way. Curse having to get up in 5 hours.
Night shift. Wake up 9-9:30pm. Same shit. Night shift at work affords liberties like playing my stashed 12 string acoustic and flute as there are no people really. Finish work. Hustle fucking ass home before morning walkers start walking. Paranoid people, especially shooters in quarry. Be friendly to morning walkers, despising their earliness. Sneak into quarry. Get back to camp. Flooded with relief. Bed routine.
How clean trousers? Laundromat.
Where to shit? Town or dig deep hole.
Feel alone? Rarely.
Sometime had to cry? Sometimes tear up when I read something moving.
Shift changes mean sometimes to come and go at times best for low chance of discovery I must stay up in excess of 24 hours. Sometimes I am stuck in the quarry for half an hour before I can go. Several times during days off I was litterally pinned down by stray gunfire for hours due to shooters shooting everywhere.
On days off I read, I lounge, listen and watch the birds that feed at the suet-seed balls I hang. I move about my camp in my ghillie, watch wildlife through telescope, stargaze, daydream and occasionally go into town for friends etc. It would be ideal if no-one could see me come and go and I didn't have to concern myself with people's stray interactions with me. But the anxiety of discovery is taxing now that it is light out for so much of the time, and I look forward to the end of May.