Not me personally but one time we took one of my heavily incompetent friends hiking up Tryfan in Wales and it was an absolute shit show
>His boots too small for him>His rucksack is the one he wears to work every day - no hip support or padded straps>He's wearing cotton everything, not a wool or synthetic layer to be seen>He's ridiculously unfit, smoking in his numerous breaks and at the summit, as well as blowing out of his arse, wheezing with every step>One thing I still to this day cannot fathom - he only packed a can of black beans for the hike, no other solid foods, and he didn't think to bring a can opener>Half way up the mountain he whips out a bottle of what we all assumed was water, but at the summit he reveals to us that it is in fact a protean shake>It is apparently "fine" that he has no food or water because the protean shake is both>We are completely stunned by this, but somehow manage to scrape our wits back together long enough to point out that he needs water to digest the protean shake and he's just lost a majority of his stored water from sweating>On the way down the mountain he takes '3 points of contact' to the logical extreme and is crawling like gollum down the rocks, screaming and shouting whenever he even so much as thinks about losing balance>He's pissed off that we're all asking him why he didn't pack anything we told him to pack, so when we get to flat ground he power walks away from us down the trail, goes the wrong way and ends up in a different car park to usThat was the funniest hike I've ever been on and I wouldn't have had it happen any other way
>>1693508Shit anon that is a genuine horror story