>>2221920What does it mean to be American? I lived in the countryside, we had firearms that we would enjoy shooting on the weekends, big bbq with friends & family - and everyone was a legal resident or citizen. All of the family worked long hours, earned their money, paid their taxes, and followed the law. What the fuck else does it mean to be American? Certainly isn't to be Cristian (even if I'm Catholic, because I'm from fucking Europe culturally as are most Euro-descendant Americans).
America is about the right to own land, bear firearms, freedom of religion, and basically the freedom to do what you want on your property - without the interference of state - so long as you abide by the laws and pay your taxes. And also, that you speak fucking English. Something the latino immigrants seem to forget half the time. That's the America envisioned by the founding fathers.
Nowhere will you see me defend illegal immigration or the destruction of the traditional family unit.
I didn't respond for your satisfaction, but so that maybe another anon in a similar situation today can find the willpower to go home to his roots.
I've never been told here in Italy that I'm not one of them - even if it's obivous because I've no blood relatives in Italy. But since I'm Catholic, and I believe in the traditional family unit, and I've put a shitton of effort into speaking the language, including the local dialect - with a good accent - people accept me. I particiapte in local customs, in local festivals, and I teach my kid these things - so he can continue to teach these values to his kids. I'm practicing what I preach - total integration. I moved here because I liked what was here, so I'll do my damned best to make sure it stays the way I found it.
>Yesterday's outing to finish this off