Because, young grasshopper, versatility and multi use is a high prize on a trip. Wood stove is good because it's a multipurpose item, and you'll be glad you have it if you run out of fuel.
Combined with a good alcohol stove it mogs gas
Alcohol benefits:
>burns in low temperatures>can adjust how much you bring, no need for canister on short hikes>silent burning>uses grain alcohol too if you can afford (multipurpose)>lower temperature, better for cooking>more readily available in parts of world>can bring the stoves on carry on luggage fine>make one for free from any can (look up a fancy feast one, uses carbon felt, use a tuna can for a larger one)>super compact if it nestsThe downside of alcohol is that it requires a windshield. Foil windshields work fine but are delicate. Therefore, why not take something a little heavier but multipurpose - a wood stove, for instance. Here's one that nests with your pot for $3 from ikea + a couple tent pegs (or wire)