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>Plan to look into ways to overwinter my poblano peppers
>Sudden frost warning in Toronto
>Hastily trim away most of the foliage from my peppers and yank them out of the pot and bring them inside
Have I done any irreversible damage? I've only done a bit of reading on Google so far as I expected to have more time to plan this out. As it is, my plan is to trim them down a bit more than what you see now, cut away some of the horizontal root growth so it forms a nice pot-shaped ball, then place them by a west-facing window on the 2nd floor. I'm in the Northern hemisphere (zone 5/6 region just outside Toronto) so this west window should get indirect light for the morning and a few hours of direct sunlight in the afternoon.
Am I doing this correctly? I will be cutting back on the watering, and the plant should get some light, but not a lot... are there any other considerations like temperature that could compromise my overwintering ambitions?
I will probably be buying an indoor growlight setup soon, so if this current plan is shit, I can give them a nice spot under the grow lights.