>>1708906>>1710570You do realize that most immigrants to the US come from industrializing/ed countries with their own consumer markets and that with emissions and pollution being highly globalized it doesn't particularly matter what side of the border they are on in regards to the environment. They don't suddenly exist as global market consumers when they come over. Please tell me you realize this. Please tell me that conservatives at least have object permanence.
>But they'll be even more consumerist in the wealthy western cultureThen the problem is your culture not them. Also it's always funny how you people concern troll about the supposed effect on the environment by immigrants then proceed to give zero fucks about anything else relating to the environment.
>Should we talk about fossil fuel companies who demolish large swathes of wilderness, poisoning entire aquifers while producing vasts amounts of co2 so they can ship fuels around the globe. Who then don't do any maintenance on their infrastructure so that oil regularly spills and destroys everything around it?>Nah.>Should we be mad are the automobile companies who lobby again any public transit so that the US is forced to use polluting cars in perpetuity just to get to work in the morning?>Nope.>The GOP pretty much declaring open warfare on public lands?>Not a word.>Trumps border wall bisecting protected environments and endangered species habitat?>Not a single fucking word.>How about Jose and his family who hoped the border and now have a lifestyle with a similar impact on the environment as yours does.>This fuckery will not stand! We must protect the earth mother Gaia from these polluters. Think of the trees.