>>583684i was left quite disappointed from browsing some of said "100+ survivalist books"-lists, so i can't really recommend anything as of yet.
but upon the first few glances, 'The Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency' by John Seymour seems to be a good standard if you're interested in self-sustenance. it'a a whooping 250 pages, has neat drawings, and seems fairly well structured, even though it has loads of text. can't yet say whether you can look something up in there quickly. it was first published in the mid-70ies, there's an apparently modernized edition from 2003 on amazon.
here's a decent pdf of it (sufficient resolution on the images, text is actual text and not just photocopied):
http://www.arvindguptatoys.com/arvindgupta/full-self-sufficiency.pdfcome to think of it, i would also recommend "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe. it's fiction, /out/ themed, fairly well told in my humble opinion, and first sparked my survivalist flame.
it's from the 18th century, you can get it royalty-free everywhere, for instance from here: