>>2555165Depends on allotment size and how much and what you anticipate on growing. I don't believe in the functional purpose of raised beds in general over growing straight into the ground which unless your old is much more convenient in terms of building up your soil. If you have a decent amount of land and plan on growing an actual decent amount of food, anything but a market garden style system is a meme. That basically looks like roughly 30 in beds however long you want, with 10-20 inch walkways in-between your beds. Most equipment, (broadforks, rakes, tillers, tilthers) row covers (poly low tunnels, agribon frost blankets, shade cloth, seeders, and poly tunnels) are rated for roughly 30 inch bed type systems and going in a long straight line as opposed to alot of people's gardens which are just squares or rectangles. Like 4'x8x'. Covering that with a frost blanket or whatever doesn't work. If you have a limited amount of space these beds work out, but for growing larger amounts of crops market garden layouts are the best.