Quoted By:
>finish studies
>begin at steel company I already work at as mechanical engineer
>invent thing that saves company millions/year
>get huge bonus
>be in meeting one day
>company wants to sell finishing line to outside company to safe money
>as my father works in the human resources department of finishing line I already knew about that months ago
>had secretly found my own steel logistics company
>buy companies finishing line
>just hire back old staff but not machine operators as they can be replaced by a software that I already wrote
>be able to pay my workers more, earn more and safe company money
>as steel company safes so much they also sell other logistics departments to me like the harbor
>parent companies notice that they safe millions because of me
>my logistics company expands
>control everything that enters and leaves steel industry in whole Europe at some point
>expand my logistics company even more to rolling mills, forges and eventually automobile industry
>meanwhile buy huge mountains, forests and lakes in Switzerland
>have a mansion build next to lake
>buy a couple of Czech women, one for cooking, one for cleaning, one to raise children (all for sex)
>have loads of children
>split logistics company up and hand it down to my children
>swim, row, hike, hunt, camp and fish for the rest of my life on my property while fucking dem fine Czech women