>>1296222That's mine yes. I only started last year myself. Bonsai fascinated but intimidated me for a long time, and then someone mentioned peppers to get a feel for it since they grow so fast. So I decided to grow a few, which got out of hand quick, I have 15 pepper plants at the moment, and a whole bunch of other stuff because apparently I enjoy growing shit.
Anyways, just grow it in an as big as possible pot, or in full soil. I topped mine a few times when they were still small to get as much branching as low as possible. Then at the end of the season I pruned them down hard, waited until they got some new growth again, and repotted to a bonsai pot. I'm not sure they can take pruning the top and the roots at the same time, that's why I did it in 2 steps.
For soil I'm using a mix of potting soil, perlite and cat litter:
http://www.bonsai4me.com/Basics/Basicscatlitter%20page4.htmlIf you're on facebook, fatalii started a bonsai chili group a while ago, search for 'fatalii bonchi'. There's more experienced people that can help you with specific questions, I'm just dicking around, learning as I go.