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Has anyone read this fucking book? I'm halfway through it and holy shit this guy is an insufferable prick.
>be author, middle aged New England asshole
>decides to hike the AT on a whim with his fatass burnout friend
>has no prior outdoor experience, but doesn't let that stop him from having a ton of opinions on everything involved
>does next to no research before leaving
>bitches about the trail
>bitches about the weather
>talks shit about the other hikers
>talks shit about the towns, states, and regions he walks through
>talks shit about the locals
>bitches about how the forestry service is actively destroying the wilderness
>also bitches about how its a tragedy that the forestry service doesn't get more funding
>fucking skips the section from Gatlinburg to Virginia
I'm just reading this shit like, goddamn, just quit if you're this incapable of having a good time.