Quoted By:
>be me, on trip through western SC with wife
>last night of trip and we're staying at some state park. Campsite along a creek a few miles into the park.
>get to park later than expected. Probably only hour and half of sunlight left.
>not worried, both of us are experienced backpackers and we should be able to get there just about when it gets dark.
>stop by and talk to ranger to get parking pass
>Kinda weird middle age dude. He seems oddly worried about us starting so late but is moving slow as fuck getting us the pass
>states several times that he leaves at 9:00 and has to shut the gate for the night then.
>okay whatever
>finally get the parking pass
>its dated for us leaving several days later despite us only reserving site for one night
>almost correct him but I want to hurry up and get going so figure whatever and let it slide
>then proceeds to tell us that the site is not where I'd thought it was.
>thought the site was along the main trail (site 15, pic related), he says we have to cross the stream and take the red trail to get to it.
>okay, he's the ranger and I'm just some retard. Can't tell from the map anyway.
>head out, see a few people at closer campsites but none after a mile or so.
>getting dark as we turn off main trail onto orange and then red trail.
>trail quality immediately drops
>end up basically bushwhacking through underbrush halfway to campsite
>moving slowly, sun has set behind mountains now
>see no signs of campsite before ours
>consult map. We have to be where we think we are.
>decide to keep going and look for site
>hit unmistakable turn in trail as it goes up a mountain, should have passed two campsites by now but no sign of anything at all.
>wife is kinda freaked out
>agree that ranger definitely told us to take this trail
>start to think about how we didn't tell anyone we were gonna be at this park