>>2406889Guys help me out.
I want to break off from wagie life and instead be a small time farmer.
The goal would be to either be as self sustaining as possible and sell off excess products for money.
Or have an actual small business that produces, eggs, milk, plants to sell regularly. Hell even a tree nursery or whatever.
If I can do this just to support myself I would be happy, but ideally having some kind of growth.
Currently have a house, some basic tools, a bit of land say 60m X 50M. The soil is good with a lot of top soil. So things should grow pretty well.
I was planing to do it in the method of permaculture or regenreative farming or whatever its called these days.
As in, no or minimal tilling, no chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Just focusing on growing and sustaining the soil health with constantly diverse growth.
In the future I can buy more land for my needs, be it farm animals or growing stuff.
Now I'm an amateur at this kind of thing and I'v only done enough to know I enjoy the process and work, and that's really the main reason I want to pursue this avenue. Is that I enjoy it unlike a lot of other jobs.
Now, here is the questions
>How viable is this idea, do you think I can pull it off?>How do I present this idea to my parents who I want to inform about this idea. As they will consider it madness as Didn't go to agriculture school or anything, don't have years of experience in the field. To top it all off, I want to do it in a less conventional way, as in no big trucks no chemical shit and so on. Parents are pretty vanilla and thus if I tell them I want to do things not the same way big agrc is doing it, they will consider me to be foolish and with my head up in the clouds. "You can't just grow plants without chemical fertilizers" is the kind of mindset they have.Please advise, I really want to go this way.
Advice on both how to break it to my parents and on how to do this thing in a viable manner is much appreciated.