>>2738561I was in this situation and refused to go to hospital on my own wish, no doctor will ever touch me [covid traumatized]. I layed on my left side and took one pill of charcoal [stops diarrhea, absorbs eventual poisons].
then take electrolytes in powder, like picrel, take full two sachettes and dump in to half glass of warm [not hot] water. drink sip, by sip. inhale peppermint stick or mint tea [reduces nausea, it helped me get thru the glass]. after drinking the glass, calm down to hold it, on the left side, lay calmly and inhale something minty. After 40 min., another glass, warm water, one sachette. sip by sip.
I survived.
Powdered electrolytes and charcoal in tablets should be always with you. for many reasons.