>>85725well, you see the way hunting works here is based of very old laws that reach back to times when it was a privilege of the nobility
basically, first of all you need a hunter´s licence, which enables you to own a hunting rifle and gain a hunting privilege - this whole process already takes months
then you'll need to get a hunting privilege, now the way this works is that you either own a very large property, which automatically gives you the right to hunt on that property (and the right to lease your hunting privilege on the property to someone else)
this first option is very rare because of the high population density and the fact that most people live in big cities and it also makes hunting a privilege of the rich
the second option would be to optain a hunting privilege on state/ or community owned property, but these are mostly auctioned to 'hunting clubs' which usually consist either of rich folk, or you'll need connections to get into one
so yeah, there are some remote regions in the alpine parts where you'll still have the old hunter who manages the forest, but hunting is so estranged to people here since noone has access, many people dont even know that hunting is still done or think the forests can regulate themselves even though we have no natural predators anymore
as a result venison is one of the most expesnive things you can eat and you´ll rarely have access to it in the city
>mfw I just looked all that up since I didnt now how it works around here either but you made me curios