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>Cylinder O2 Prep
General guidelines
1.) Pre-examination
2.) Gross clean
3.) O2 cleaning
4.) Inspection / Confirm O2 cleanliness
1.) VIP cylinder as you normally would
2a.) steel cylinders, inspect for rust. if rust is present, tumble with media until clean.
2b.) aluminum cylinders, inspect for heavy oxide deposits. if oxide deposits present, tumble with light media
3.) rinse, rinse, rinse
4.) 1 tbsp Dawn + 1 gallon of water, mix with ~10 lb of coarse glass bead, tumble for for 1 hour
5.) Dump cylinder, rinse with warm water for 2-5 minutes.
6.) Spray cylinder neck with 1:16 ratio Crystal Simple Green, polish with brass brush if required, then scrub clean with a soft bristle brush.
7.) Add 1/2 gallon 1:100 ratio Crystal Simple Green, and verified CLEAN coarse glass bead ~10 lbs
8.) Tumble for 15 minutes
9.) Dump cylinder, rinse for 2-5 minutes, verify no detergents are present with a shake test (catch some rinse water, shake it up, if bubbles present, continue rinsing).
10a.) steel cylinders, add dilute oxy safe rust inhibitor and tumble for one minute, rinse for 15 seconds.
10b.) aluminum cylinders, skip to 11.
11.) Blow dry with compressed air, Grade E is fine.