Quoted By:
>be me
>be with family
>Camping at an Army Corp of Engineers campground in the Allegheny National Forest.
>hanging out around the fire
>walk to my parents site, 2 sites down from our fire
>round the corner and there is a small black bear, rummaging through a plastic tote
>as soon as it hears me it takes off into the woods with a package in its mouth
>next morning we walk into the woods and find the package, empty, with little wrappers everywhere
>black bear ate a whole box of fig newtons.
>bear also ate a whole 2 gallon bucket of sour patch kids
I would have loved to see the diarrhea that bear had the next day.
Funny thing is the next night same thing happened. I found the corner and there he is again. He was back but our plastic totes were more secure and he was just trying to open them, ran off right away. 3rd night that same bear was found in the back of my cousins truck. He was throwing plastic totes out of the back trying to get into them. He left a cool scratch on the truck when he jumped out. I told my cousin he shouldn't fix it because that's an awesome scratch lol.