>>965229actually test drag pressure is what gets your fish into the boat. not your rod. you ever see someone handline a big fish?
not everything is bass fishing where you can literally high stick drag a fish to the boat.
which kastking reel specifically pulls 45 lbs of drag?
when vertical jigging/deep jigging/speed jigging one of the lessons you will learn is that the reel acts as your winch. the rods flex provides the lures action. if you use the rod in typical lift and pull fashion you will lose the battle by tiring yourself out and not gaining much on the fish. the most effective method to use is to point the rod, bury the rod and crank letting the rods flex absorb the fishes energy hence tiring it out faster. the newer rail rods being manufactured are a testament to this method of fishing. you would be surprised at the flimsy rods people catch big fish on.
"drag weights(sic) dont mean shit" is a retarded statement. drag pressures are measured under sustained load not how much you can lock a drag down. if that were the criteria why even have a drag to begin with?
"quality drag" i assume youre talking washers, have no effect if the reels pinions can handle the drag pressures. you will blow out the reel and could hardly turn the handle under max load. I know were on /out/ but still please try to keep some modicum of truth to your arguments
>>965519you really cant figure that out?