>>304647An entire average day in my life... Complicated... I will describe it as it varies depending on the shift I work.
Morning shift:
Wake up at 5:30-6am. Get dressed. Swear at weather if foul. Go for piss. Get back into sleeping bag. Eat cold meal from trunk. Get out of tent, put sleeping bag onto tent to air out. Gather all shit I need, put into pockets, backpack. Put on boots. Tidy camp. Floss. Brush teeth. Place Guest Book at edge of ground sheet so it is the first thing seen by someone peeking in.
Leave camp. Climb embankment, keep low, check for people on road and in quarry from lookout. Coast clear, hustle my ass accross lookout down into the bowl. Make way to dugout. Retrieve cached shoe brush from under big rock. Tidy hair, wash face with water. Use brush to clean shoes of mud at water's edge. Tidy hair, wash face with water. Walk paranoid as fuck to road hoping no-one sees me from road above me leaving quarry. Reach enterance. Wait. Listen. Cautiously look each way, coast clear step onto road look natural. Coast not clear, hide, if seen, make like doing up fly from stepping off road for piss.
Walk 7.5km to work while listening to radio news or mp3. Get food sometimes coming in. Arrive at work. Talk shite with staff I replace. Get changed. Trim face hair, groom proper. Dry wet gear. Internet and read for 8 hours intermittantly disturbed by stray customers or security issues. Talk shite with my replacement. Get gym gear from basement. Go gym. Shower. Swim. Go back, stash gym gear again. Talk shite with staff. Go library. Library stuff until it closes. Kill time in various ways until it starts getting dark. Go Tesco for food. Walk 7.5km back home under cover of darkness.